57. O Jesus, King most Wonderful / Thanksgiving and Rejoicing / By bestguyblogs Verse 1O Jesus, King most wonderful,Thou Conqueror renowned,Thou Sweetness most ineffable,In Whom all joys are found! Verse 2When once Thou visitest the heart,Then truth begins to shine,Then earthly vanities depart,Then kindles love divine. Verse 3Jesus! Thy mercies are untold,Through each returning day;Thy love exceeds a thousand foldWhatever we can say Verse 4May every heart confess Thy name;And ever Thee adore;And seeking Thee, itself inflame,To seek Thee more and more. Verse 5Thee may our tongues forever bless;Thee may we love alone;And ever in our lives expressThe image of Thine own. Verse 6Grant us, while here on earth we stayThy love to feel and know;And when from hence we pass awayTo us Thy glory show. Author: Bernard of Clairvaux, tr by Edward Caswall Related posts:44. LET Me Sing - For the Glory of HeavenHymn 439: A Life of Overcoming45. BE Glad in the Lord, and RejoiceRelated Posts:Hymn 3: Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our Blessed Redeemer32. MY God, How Wonderful Thou Art.63. JESUS, My Eyes are Unto TheeJesus Iye Lyrics67. Lord Jesus Christ, We Seek Thy Face29. HAIL, Thou Once Despised Jesus!