78. If I But Knew Thee as Thou Art / Aspiration / By bestguyblogs Verse 1If I but knew Thee as Thou art,O loveliness unknown,With what desire, O Lord, my heartWould claim Thee for its own. Verse 2Thy glory would my shame conceal,Thy purity my dross:I should rejoice with Thee to feelThe sorrow of the cross. Verse 3But I am dull and blind, 0 Lord,Unapt of Thee to learn;Thee I but dimly in Thy word,As in a glass, discern. Verse 4With faith’s warm finger,through the veil,I seek to touch Thy hand:I feel the imprint of the nailAnd partly understand. Verse 5But, ah, my lonely spirit tiresOf knowing Thee in part.O Jesus, how my soul desiresTo see Thee as Thou art Author: I. Mac. Pherson Related posts:70. MY Goal is God Himself, Not Joy, Nor Peace60. Eternal Light! Eternal Light!71. LOVE, Divine, All Loves ExcellingRelated Posts:61. I NEED Thee, Precious Saviour29. HAIL, Thou Once Despised Jesus!46. MY God, I Thank Thee, Who Hast Made40. ETERNAL God! We Raise to Thee18. THOU Great Redeemer, Dying Lamb59. Father, What can to Thee be Given