30. COME, My Brethren, Praise Your Saviour / Adoration and Praise, Worship / By bestguyblogs Verse 1Come, my brethren, praise your Saviour,Let your songs with rapture swell,Through His grace have ye found favour,Who His boundless love can tell?Sing His praises,For He hath done all things well. Verse 2Louder yet, yea grander, greater,As your gladsome hearts rejoice.In your Saviour, Lord, Creator,Swell, O swell the trembling chords;Wake the echoes!Louder than the ocean’s roar. Verse 3What! ye tire? shame upon you!Dare ye cease to sing His praise?Shall the very stones provoke you?Louder sing your wondrous lays,Till creationOwns His mighty power to save. Verse 4Blessed Lord, we will adore Thee,Praise Thee, bless Thee, shout and sing,Till that day when we shall see Thee,Crowning Thee, all glorious King;Hallelujah!How the courts of glory ring. Author: E.T Mellar Related posts:18. THOU Great Redeemer, Dying LambHymn 10: O Worship the King All Glorious Above31. I'll Praise my Maker While I've BreathRelated Posts:48. MY Saviour Suffered on the Tree19. PRAISE Ye the Lord! 'Tis Good To RaiseHymn 5: Praise Him! Praise Him!20. Now in a Song of Grateful Praise39. PRAISE, To The Lord! The Almighty24. COME, Sound His Praise Abroad