51. My Soul Shouts Glory to the Son of God

Verse 1

My soul shouts glory to the Son of God,

For the work free grace hath done;

My faith looks upward with a steadfast eye

That is clear as the noonday sun



Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah ‘to the Saviour I adore,

I will Praise Him, I will praise Him,

Hallelujah! I will praise Him evermore


Verse 2

My soul shouts glory to the Son of God,

Not a cloud nor a care I see:

My hope is clinging with a perfect trust

To the cross He has borne for me.

Verse 3

My soul shouts glory to the Son of God,

In His secret place I dwell;

His constant presence overshades me there,

And my joy there is none can tell.


Verse 4

My soul shouts glory to the Son of God,

And I know it will not be long;

Till o’er the river, where the saints have gone,

I shall join their eternal song.

Author: Fanny J. Crosby